Jan 14, 2010

Life is Good

Sometimes I wonder: what am I?
I look at the stars and feel very small;
just a tiny consciousness.
But if I were as tall as a planet,
I would still be short in comparison to the universe.

I see a person twice my size
and I feel weak and fragile.
But if I were strong and powerful,
I would still not be invincible.

I see a painting by the hand of a genius,
and I feel inexperienced and ignorant.
But if I were the greatest artist alive,
it would not make me love what I do any more or less.

I see blood, running from the wound of another,
and I feel a chilling fear from deep within.
But if I walked this earth with bravery,
it would not make things less dangerous.

I see a baby, innocent and naive,
and I feel cynical and jaded.
But if I saw through untainted eyes all my life,
it would not make the world a better place.

I see a raindrop, tear of the sky,
and I feel ugly and unsightly.
But if I were as beautiful as rain,
it would not make me crystal clear inside.

There are children with cancer,
mothers who lose their babies,
people who are worse off than dead.

I wonder if I am just lucky or if the world was cruel.
But even if the world was kind or if I were dying, too,
there would still be suffering.

I weep all night, I get nightmares,
I lose myself thinking of such things.
But even if I could right every wrong,
if I could run faster or jump higher or be stronger,
it would not make me better or happier.

With what I have, I'll do what I like
and like what I do.
Life is good!


vvv.aka.me said...

Simple, but dignified.
Life moves on because we 'want' something.
In an optimistic sense,
we have to achieve something.
Even if we attain a milestone, there will be one more milestone ahead of that.
and the realization of this milestones only makes us live.

You have expressed this optimism elegantly.

കുക്കു.. said...

lovely blog dear...Remz..keep writing:)

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